The database contains information on samples held by the project, the specimens they were taken from, and progress processing these samples. It is arranged as a checklist of all bird genera. Where species and sample information appear in black text, this indicates that a specific sample has been chosen to represent the genus. If no information appears next to a given genus, a specific sample has not been chosen and/or is not held by B10K. Species names appear in gray for monotypic genera which B10K does not hold.
Clicking on a species common or Latin name, or B10K ID,brings up a window with details on the relevant specimen and its provenance. Clicking on the sample status brings up details on progress towards sequencing it.
The database is searchable and sortable by various criteria. Data can be sorted alphabetically by clicking on the relevant column headers. Clicking the “Sort by Taxonomy” button reverts to taxonomic sequence. The “Project phase / Status filter” button is used to view samples from a certain project phase (orders, families, genera, etc), and at certain stages of processing (extracting, sequencing, assembling, etc).
Download information from the database by ticking the boxes next to the genus or genera of interest, and clicking the “Download” button at the bottom of the page. Ticking the box directly below the “DOWNLOAD” column header will select all genera displayed on the page. After clicking the “Download” button, select the type of data desired, and click the “Download” button in the window. Data will be exported to a .xls file.